Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Simple Life Changes Can Set You Free To Travel The World

Theres has been a lot going on in my life, I really am working toward The Simple Life and a big part of that is down sizing, I have been selling things that I don't use or need any more on eBay.

I'm in the process of becoming Debt free. Its not that simple and that is probably what has kept me from traveling more. I finally said if I don't start doing it now then when?

There are a lot of steps to making this very major life change and re-invention of who I am, but at age 47 it's not that difficult - I also find it exciting to be able to travel and see new place and meet people that I can share my experience with.

But, here is the basic plan:

1. Sell off, give away or trash just about everything - except necessities, of course, like clothing and such, the basic things that make life easier and a few things of sentimental value (we all have some of those things - they keep us grounded and remind us of where we came from).

2. I'm also looking after my mother, helping her as her mobility is deteriorating, my travel plans are somewhat up in the air, my mother is more important to me than any travel plan. My father passed away last year at the age of 82.

3. Determine what I will do to generate an on going income from new revenue streams. I have a business in Costa Rica that runs its self for the most part with the help of a long time employee.

He only steals enough to get by and leaves me with some income. I need to be involved in a virtual businesses that can operate on the Internet from anywhere - whenever I am anywhere I choose to be - including overseas. Technology is always advancing, So, I have to do some thinking and experience into something that is mobil, I have several ideas to work on.

4. Another reason for downsizing and getting rid of all the "stuff" that has accumulated over the years is because step 4 is to move around the world and have a home which will become both my home and my office - probably for the next several years. Yep! The plan is to be a 21st Century gypsy, and relying on technology for taking care of just about all of the normal business and day to day living requirements. I want to "See the USA (and Canada) In my van, I want to criss-cross this nation, visit all the wonderful "off the interstate" places that make up Americana and meet all the people who live there and learn about them. I also plan to spend more time in Costa Rica next year, if my mothers health improves.

I want to share what I know and have learned with those I meet to hopefully make their lives better in some way. My life will automatically be better because I will have met so many different people.

So, at the moment, that's the basic plan. I'm going to make plans and write notes to remind me to blog at least a few times a week, just so I can get this adventure down - and make it available for anyone interested in reading it - and I hope, gaining some kind of useful insight from my experiences.

Please leave a comment or follow this blog and come along for the ride, Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. I like your Thinking and I like your Style. Keep it up !!!
